First Name | Last Name |
Isidra | Boudreaux |
Shona | Woldt |
Granville | Leonardo |
Easer | Dragoo |
Maple | Halladay |
Maxine | Woldt |
Lorraine | Mcgaughy |
Lizzee | Goodlow |
Judi | Badgett |
Lauri | Hyland |
FooTable will automatically add the "toggler" to the first column by default. The "toggler" is the plus/minus icon which expands and collapses the row when a FooTable breakpoint has fired
You can specify which of your columns is the toggle column (the column which has the toggle icon) by adding data-toggle="true"
<thead> <tr> <th> First Name </th> <th data-toggle="true"> Last Name </th> </tr> </thead>
FooTable comes with a couple built-in icons to choose from. Check out the icon styles demo and take your pick!
You might not want to show a toggler at all in your table. Simply set the addRowToggle
option to false
$('.footable').footable({ addRowToggle: false });