Symfony Requirements Checker
> PHP is using the following php.ini file:
> Checking Symfony requirements:
Your system is not ready to run Symfony projects
Fix the following mandatory requirements
* app/cache/ or var/cache/ directory must be writable
> Change the permissions of either "app/cache/" or "var/cache/"
> directory so that the web server can write into it.
* app/logs/ or var/logs/ directory must be writable
> Change the permissions of either "app/logs/" or "var/logs/"
> directory so that the web server can write into it.
* date.timezone setting must be set
> Set the "date.timezone" setting in php.ini* (like Europe/Paris).
Note The command console could use a different php.ini file
~~~~ than the one used with your web server. To be on the
safe side, please check the requirements from your web
server using the web/config.php script.